
Quick Link: Spring 2025 Burr Field Map

No alcohol, no smoking and no pets (including dogs) are permitted.

When parking please always be courteous of our neighbors, especially near residential developments.  Please respect any cones that have been placed to prevent parking in certain areas. 

Also note, all goals must remain staked down to avoid serious injury and goals may not be moved.  Policies regarding our fields and more are posted here.

Burr Intermediate School

Our main complex of soccer fields is located behind the school at 202 Burr Rd, Commack, NY 11725

A map of our game field numbers and locations can be viewed at the link at the top of this page.  

In the event of bad weather or unexpected field conditions, the board of directors, referees, or the field director may cancel games and/or practices at any time.  

Generally, fields are closed in the event of significant rainfall occurring within the previous 24 hours.

In the event of a field closure, club officials will post notice at the top of this website. 

If you suspect a possible field closure, please check our site periodically for any cancellations.  If you do not see a cancellation posting, please assume your game or practice is on and show up at the field as scheduled.

Burr fields are not to be used for any team practices or individual training without explicit permission from the executive board.

Smith’s Lane /
The Children’s Center at U.C.P.

Smith's Lane is located at 1 Azelia Ct, Commack, NY 11725

Note, out of respect to neighboring houses, there is no parking on Smith's Lane, Pickwick Drive or any of the adjacent residential streets.  Please use the official parking lots only. If there is no space on the south side of the school, park in the lots at the front of or on the side of the school and walk around.

North Ridge Elementary School

The school is located at 277 Town Line Rd, East Northport, NY 11731

Indian Hollow Elementary School

The school is located at 151 Kings Park Rd, Commack, NY 11725.

Hubbs Administration Center

The Hubbs center is located at 489 Clay Pitts Rd, East Northport, NY 11731.  

Practices are not permitted at Hubbs without explicit permission from a division coordinator or the Club President.

Note, parking is never permitted along the long driveway that leads to the parking lot.  Please always park your car in the main lot and have players walk over to the main fields. 

Commack High School

The HS is located at 1 Scholar Lane, Commack, NY 11725.  

The Commack High School turf field is off-limits to Commack Soccer teams unless they have explicit permission from the executive board.

Commack Middle School

The MS is located at 700 Vanderbilt Pkwy, Commack, NY 11725.

The Commack Middle School turf field is off-limits to Commack Soccer teams unless they have explicit permission from the executive board.

Veterans Park

Located at Bellerose Ave, Northport, NY 11768

This is a Town of Huntington park. Teams may NOT use Vets Park for any reason without specific approval and a permit from the Club President.